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Capacity Building for Community Process

The State Human Resources for Health Commission (SHRC) has been pivotal in shaping policies to innovate the human resources for health (HRH) landscape. From the inception, SHRC has played a crucial role in championing initiatives like the Mitanin (ASHA) and Rural Medical Assistant (RMA) programs. Its advocacy efforts have urged the state to devise strategies to attract and retain HRH personnel, ensuring timely recruitment and effective planning for rural and underserved areas. Central to SHRC's mission is the analysis of HRH cadres' demand and supply dynamics, encompassing production, deployment, and regional distribution. This analytical approach has facilitated the state in conducting timely recruitments and mitigating significant vacancy rates. Additionally, SHRC has collaborated with the State Institute of Health and Family Welfare (SIHFW) to craft drafts for the State Training Policy and transfer policies, further enhancing the framework for HRH development.

Key Focus areas to work in HRH:

  • Knowledge assessment of clinical providers
  • Mapping of specialist availability in public health facilities
  • Advocacy for direct recruitment of specialists and conducting more drives
  • Developing a rational posting and transfer policy
  • Revision of CRMC norms
  • Regulate dual practice with incentives



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