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Health & Wellness Centre (HWC)
Ayushman Arogya Mandir

Since 2018, SHRC has been extending technical assistance to the state and 22 districts to operationalize Health and Wellness Centers (HWCs), now called Ayushman Arogya Mandir, and improve their quality. SHRC team conducts field visits to assess HWC performance, provide capacity-building support, and offer detailed analysis and reports for improvement. Monitoring and facilitation have led to enhanced outpatient department (OPD) services, drug availability, diagnostic testing, chronic disease management, and clarity in primary care team roles. SHRC conducts training for Community Health Officers (CHOs) and Auxiliary Nurse Midwives/Multi-Purpose Workers (ANM/MPW) on treatment protocols and multiskilling. Training materials and lecture videos are developed with clinical experts and translated into Hindi. Classroom sessions for CHOs are held at AIIMS, Raipur, and districts. Clinical skills of primary care providers are periodically evaluated to identify areas for further improvement.

Key areas SHRC provides technical support to strengthen HWCs:

  • Improving quality through NQAS and Kayakalp certifications
  • Continuous refresher training of CHOs and HWC team
  • Monitoring and ensuring availability of essential drugs and diagnostic
  • Improving coverage and quality of OPD care at HWCs
  • Ensuring screening and follow up of NCD cases
  • Develop conceptual clarity among CHOs on issues around continuity of care for chronic diseases.
  • Upward and downward referral feedback
  • Optimal use of telemedicine
  • Promotion of HWC services through community process



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